Everyone knows that puzzles are educational, but why? ~ they stretch the brain and expand how your mind solves problems. While you're solving a puzzle, you're really teaching your brain to work in new ways.
Have you ever bought a puzzle - solved it and then wondered what to do with it? Quite often with puzzles once you have solved it, its usefulness is over. Why go to the expense and clutter of buying and then having lots of puzzles lying around when you can rent one of our kits.
Each kit consists of 8 puzzles, 3 of which have multiple challenges to them, giving you over 150 puzzles in all! More than enough to keep you occupied for a month. Each kit is available for up to four weeks at a time - pick it up in class and drop it off at any subsequent class.
All these puzzles are for adults, not only are they a healthy choice of activity, they are also fun! lots of fun! All puzzles come with instructions & solutions.
Kit 1
Kit 2
Kit 3
4 Piece Pyramid
Pyramid Twins
Wing It
Loop Trap
Pack it in
Star Burst
Double Square
Fifth Chair
4 T
Block Out
Missing T
Rec Tangle
Brick by Brick
Block by Block
Gordian Knot
Shape by Shape
Square by Square
Top This
River Crossing
Raging Rapids
Tip Over
Rush Hour Safari
Rush Hour
Railroad Rush Hour
28 day rental $15 ~ Fully refundable deposit of $50 is required.
(Limited to the Chicago area, and collection in person)
Exercise for Mental Muscle laminate guide ~ $6.00
Currently unavailable
An 8.5"x11" laminated guide to our Exercise for Mental muscle.
Side 1 shows the acupressure points we use.
Side 2 shows many of the physical exercise we practice.
"The ability to reverse this trend with physical exercise [Tai Chi] and increased mental activity implies that it may be possible to delay the onset of dementia in older persons through interventions that have many physical and mental health benefits." Dr. James Mortimer, professor of epidemiology at the University of South Florida College of Public Health. Researcher into the effects of Tai Chi on brain function.